Puppy Stories
March 21, 2017 - Atka birthdate
Atka was born in a litter of 5. He was called “porkchop” when he was little because he would body check the other littermates and eat all the food and was the largest of them all for a while.
July 2017
Atka expressed his vegetarian side when he found a cucumber in the garden and munched down :). He had eaten half of it before we knew.
July 2017
Atka taught “on the bed” is a safe place where there are only “loves & cuddles” – he loves it and uses it when he knows he was naughty.
July 22, 2017 - Atka comes home at 4 months
Atka as a puppy became very bonded to me and was able to be off-leash from a young age.
August 2017 - Atka re-united with his litter
A return visit to the breeder allowed Atka to reunite with some of his litter mates and mom.
Oct 19, 2017
Breeder locks up Atka just before leaving their property, and the 6-month legal battle starts to get him back. Don’t do verbal contracts or make cash payment without receipts